Humans are evolving
Hi, I am Shrayan. I am writing this after getting to know about the current developments on Human growth and the future of out planet.

As we know that plant earth has been able to sustain life for many years now. Long before humans roamed this earth, we had dinosaurs and other mammals on this land living happily in harmony. If we consider the growth of the human race then we could see that not long ago humans started their own development. It was in the end of 1600s and the beginning of 1700s that the human race started its development, people started utilising what they had beneath, such as mineral ores and other things. First we developed weapons such as guns, cannons et cetera and then we started the development of vehicles. All these things depicted that the human race was developing but under this charade of development lied something far worse. The development of weapons by different countries led to the fear of war.
People loved fighting. Since the old days people fought for their kingdom, on the order of the rulers that ruled them. And as we witnessed in the last hundred years we almost destroyed the human life on this planet due to the same mentality.

Thanks to the development of the human race, during the Second World War we did something so terrible that we still regret it till this day. This development has caused us to develop something known as the nuclear bomb. Instead of using this for our own good at first, what we did was destroyed millions of lives. Two atom bombs where dropped on the lands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thereby destroying everything that was present in the vicinity of those places. Millions of people died, thousands injured and many more left to the brink of death. To this day no one dares to enter these two places due to the presence of radioactivity. Till today people who survived give birth to babies with physical disabilities due to the radioactive poisoning that they were exposed to. We the people of this world destroyed our own kind in order to conquer this world. Because of the development of human race we are so advanced today and we were so brutal before. Yeah I know, that in today's date nuclear fission helps provide energy which in turn helps us run appliances in our homes.
But can we be sure that something like Hiroshima and Nagasaki won't happen again in places where we are living right now. Cause the last time I checked, countries are still developing their capabilities in launching and defence against a nuclear attack. USA, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, et cetera are all stockpiling the nuclear warheads just in case.
Now comes the long-standing question about our planet earth that, when will we run out of resources such as petrol and fuel and other essential minerals? Since the end of 1800 we have started using vehicles that run on fossil fuels

which is a nonrenewable energy and in the recent years the number of vehicles has significantly increased, which in turn increased the use of fossil fuels. One day we will run out of it and then what? People has thought of it and companies like Tesla have started building vehicles that run on electricity which can be generated through hydroelectric power plants, windmill farms and other methods. But Electric vehicles have a lot of constraints over petrol or diesel vehicles which is not possible to overcome.
The ways for us to get out of the situation is to either find another suitable planet for us to live which lies in the Goldilocks zone just as our earth or to stop using our fossil fuels and instead depend on renewable resources so that our future generations could live peacefully in this world.
Fighting over land and territory and destroying humankind with the use of nuclear weapons and other means is not the solution. Instead we should come together as one and come up with a plan to save this planet.

Up to one million plant and animal species face extinction, many within decades, because of human activities, says the most comprehensive report yet on the state of global ecosystems.
Go Green while there is still time.